Picture it - the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and you’re relaxing on the balcony with a lovely lady. She tells you how much she’d love a drink, so you gladly oblige and return with… A couple of...
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Here at Grondyke, we encourage having as much fun as possible. A little attitude is even encouraged when within gentleman parameters. Our soap is a natural soap with added pheromones that promote alpha status, masculinity, attractiveness, and charisma. Whether it’s...
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We’ll go over some reasons why our customers choose to use Tactical Soap. Our customer’s satisfaction is always our priority, so you deserve to know why our product is worth the investment. Whether it is a night out on the...
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So, your latest slump has lasted a few weeks, and now you have in a sense "let yourself go". That meal prep you once did, out the door. Those regular tooth brushing and deodorant wearing days seem so long ago....
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Ah summer! That time of year to hit the beach and go on picnics. It’s about outdoor activities and fun in the sun. Here at Grondyke Soap Company, summer is a very busy season. While you guys chill by the...
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